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추천 가젯

구글 크롬은 오픈 하는 mac os appllescript

  on run {input, parameters} set chatGPT_URL to "https://chat.openai.com" tell application "Google Chrome" activate if not (exists window 1) then reopen set newTab to make new tab at end of tabs of window 1 with properties {URL:chatGPT_URL} set active tab index of window 1 to (count tabs of window 1) end tell end run

최근 글

Typescript Optional/Partial/Union/쌍물음표(??)/PathMapping

chrome webstore 에서 설치한 크롬 익스텐션 폴더 위치

intellij Wrong Manifest.mf in artifacts jar

why SecureCRT prompt me "Password change request"( securecrt always password requirements) on MacOS

android studio .gitignore

ios target overrides the `ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES` build setting defined

how to access android secondary storage.

karabiner ignore apps

osx recovery mode on vmware

centos tomcat Out Of Memory ..